

"Fear of failure kills more dreams than actual failures" Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear whenever you try or think about pursuing something you really want in your life?  It's our fear of failure and fear of being ridiculed that makes us to feels so. These fears just make it so difficult to move that we ended up abandoning our goals. All of us have experienced that when it comes to failure they are not that difficult to accept. But it's our fears that just make it worst.  Fear gives rise to 'self-doubt' which just makes us abandon our goals. All we can do to stop 'Fear of Failure' to come in our way is to develop a mindset and do 'bravery training' which means challenging yourself at every point and do whatever you are most afraid to do. we can develop a mindset by letting go of the re sult and accept the worst. When we accept and prepare ourselves for the worst then only we can fully focus on our Goals. Thanks for Reading... If you like i...

Habits -The Habit cycle

  " Meriam Webster"   defines Habit as -"An acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary."  Psychological studies reveal that 95% of everything we feel, think, do, and achieve is the result of learned habits. Habits are developed over time by slightest adjustments in our daily routines that can dramatically alter the outcomes of our life .  Our habits and routines allow us to use minimal conscious energy for everyday tasks .  We so easily overestimate  the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis.  Too often we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action.      A daily routine built on good habits are the difference that separates the most successful amongst us from everyone else. To understand and change our habits we first have to understand the Habit Loop it has 3 components:  1.Cue  2.Routine  3.Reward...

You are what You think you are

  The mind is an amazing thing and it has the potential to create our reality to shape our destiny and to exceeds man's expectancy. We today are the result of yesterday's decision. Tomorrow we will become whatsoever we diligently think we are today.           "How you think and how you feel create your state of being." Why do some people succeed while others fail? What makes them different? At times we think that they are born with it but that's not the case actually they have a different mindset. Their life is molded and shaped not by people but by their own words. These are the people that believe that their words are like seeds that have the potential to grow and bear fruits of it's same. Our mind is shaped by our past experiences and by words that were spoken over and over again. This is how it happens: Our thoughts when interconnected become our words and our words have the power to create emotions and feelings and our emotions eventually guide our bod...
Self Love and How to practice Self Love:   "Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to  love yourself."                                   Self-love is more than just changing your hair, getting a new wardrobe, or attempting to redefine yourself. Self-love is obtaining an appreciation for yourself that stems from the physical, emotional, and spiritual support you provide yourself. It's not a fixed state, but it grows through actions that lead to maturity over time. Self-care encompasses four different parts– self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, and self-care. Establishing self-love can be a long journey so here are a few tips on how to love yourself and practice self-love. ⟴  FORGIVE YOURSELF : Are you incredibly tough on yourself? sometimes when you are struggling for perfection you end up overlooking the fact that you are only human. Although you m...
  15 Facts about Gandhi ji's Khadi and charkha movement : 1. The khadi movement by Gandhiji aimed at boycotting foreign cloth and to promote rural self employment and self reliance instead of using cloth manufactured industrially in Britain. 2. khadi means the cloth that is hand spun and hand woven. 3.Gandhiji symbolizes khadi as symbol of nationalism and equality. It was his belief that reconstruction of society and effective satyagraha against foreign rule can be possible on through khadi.  4.Gandhiji started his movement for khadi in 1918. 5. The word 'Khadi' is derived from ‘khaddar’, a term for handspun fabric in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. While khadi is usually manufactured from cotton, contrary to popular belief, it is also made from silk and woolen yarn . 6.In 1905 charkha became a symbol of the swadeshi movement.  7. The initial model of charkha was floor charkha. It was a simple wooden charkha that was placed on the groun...
How to stop worrying and start making best out of our experiences : '' A day of worry is more exhausting than day of work'' Worry refers to thoughts ,images and emotions and actions of a negative nature in a repetitive u ncontrollable manner that results from a proactive cognitive risk analysis made to avoid or solve anticipated potential threats and their potential consequences.  Worry is like the constant drip, drip, drip of water; and the constant drip, drip, drip of worry often drives men to insanity . "Fear causes worry. Worry makes you tense and nervous and affects the nerves of your stomach and actually changes the gastric juices of your stomach from normal to abnormal and often leads to stomach ulcers."  Worry can make even the most healthy person ill. Worrying doesn't get us anywhere ;so here is a technique to handle any problem without worrying .It is simple. Anyone can use it .It consists of three steps: STEP 1 :Analyze the situation fearlessly ...
      MENTAL BREAKDOWN AND IT'S SIGNS:        D o you feel tired foggy and have troubled concentrating ? Or you may feeling depressed or haven't  been getting enough sleep or too much sleep while these symptoms can happen to anyone once in a while piled together they can make for some  classic signs   that you may be really mentally breaking down .    WHAT MENTAL BREAKDOWN MEANS: You may have  heard the term   "Mental   Breakdown" or   "Nervous breakdown". You may even be guilty of using these terms casually . The term is no longer used as   a clinical  term by medical community. And, a     nervous breakdow n is not considered   as a mental illness   ,it is generally viewed as a period of time   when an over-whelming amount of stress affects an individual  to function . The stress can be physical   or mental, ...