You are what You think you are

The mind is an amazing thing and it has the potential to create our reality to shape our destiny and to exceeds man's expectancy. We today are the result of yesterday's decision. Tomorrow we will become whatsoever we diligently think we are today. "How you think and how you feel create your state of being." Why do some people succeed while others fail? What makes them different? At times we think that they are born with it but that's not the case actually they have a different mindset. Their life is molded and shaped not by people but by their own words. These are the people that believe that their words are like seeds that have the potential to grow and bear fruits of it's same. Our mind is shaped by our past experiences and by words that were spoken over and over again. This is how it happens: Our thoughts when interconnected become our words and our words have the power to create emotions and feelings and our emotions eventually guide our bod...