How to stop worrying and start making best out of our experiences :
''A day of worry is more exhausting than day of work''
Worry refers to thoughts ,images and emotions and actions of a negative nature in a repetitive uncontrollable manner that results from a proactive cognitive risk analysis made to avoid or solve anticipated potential threats and their potential consequences.
Worry is like the constant drip, drip, drip of water; and the constant drip, drip, drip of worry often drives men to insanity . "Fear causes worry. Worry makes you tense and nervous and affects the nerves of your stomach and actually changes the gastric juices of your stomach from normal to abnormal and often leads to stomach ulcers." Worry can make even the most healthy person ill.
Worrying doesn't get us anywhere ;so here is a technique to handle any problem without worrying .It is simple. Anyone can use it .It consists of three steps:
STEP 1 :Analyze the situation fearlessly and honestly and figured out what was the worst that could possibly happen .
STEP 2 :After figuring out what was the worst that could possibly happen and reconcile yourself to accept it .You will immediately feel relaxed and a sense of peace.
STEP 3 :From that time on you can calmly devote your energy and time to improve upon the worst which you had already accepted mentally.
You will never be able to solve the the problem if you kept worrying because one of the worst features of worrying is that it destroys our ability to concentrate. When we worry ,our minds jump here and there and everywhere, and we lose all power of decision .However when we force ourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally ,we then eliminate all those vague imaginings and put ourselves in position in which we are able to concentrate. In that position only we can fully use our potentials and can be best versions of ourselves.
“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.”
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