Dr. Ambedkar's emergence as the leader of underprivileged
Early life and Education
Dr. Ambedkar was born on April ,14 ,1891 in a small town at Mhow cantt near Indore in Mahar caste, which is known as untouchable in Maharashtra. He was 14 and the last child of Ramji Sakpal and Bhimabai Sakpal .His original surname was Sakpal but his father registered his name as Ambadawekar, meaning he comes from his native village ' la' in Ratnagiri district. Later his teacher krishnaji Keshav Ambedkar changed his surname to his own surname 'Ambedkar' in school records.
It is well known fact that the social organization of Hindus was based on chatur varna which means the division of society into 4 classes- Brahmans, kshatriyas ,Vaishyas and Shudras .Those belong to the last varna was considered untouchables. With the passage of time this process got further intensified as each varna got further divided into castes and sub castes .This stratification is very rigid in its form in which the birth becomes the sole criterion in determining the caste of the person.
In 1897 Ambedkar family moved to Bombay where Ambedkar got enrolled into Elphinstone high school. Ambedkar was a prolific student but in keeping with the custom of those days Bhim was compelled to marry soon after passing high school. Bhim at that time was only over 16 years old and his bride rami was only 9 yrs old after marriage she was given a new name 'Rambai'. In 1907 he passed his matriculation exam and entered the Elphinstone college. He was given "Gayakwad Scholarship" by Maharaja Gayakwad of Baroda for his study in college and with this scholarship itself he got admission in Columbia university, USA and did his MA from there in 1915. he was the first Indian among untouchables who went abroad for higher education . he got PhD in 1917 from Columbia. in 1916 ,after submission of his PhD thesis, he went to London for the study of law and also took admission in London school of economics and political science for the study economics. in 1921, he got the degree of master of science and also PhD on his thesis entitled , "The Problem of the Rupee" from London university .simultaneously, he did bar at law.
He came back to India in April 1923 although he had acquired the highest possible academic qualifications he was in extreme financial difficulties he therefore decided that in order to maintain himself and his family the best course for him would be to practice as barrister so that he could devote his spare time for the upliftment of untouchables . But Dr Ambedkar caste again stood in his way. Litigants belonging to the upper caste were not even willing to hire even such a highly qualified barrister due to caste . During the early 1920 when Dr Ambedkar started his practice several other factors are moulding the destiny of the counrty . Among them one was the growth of the indigenous textile mills, gathering momentum of the freedom struggle launched by Mahatma Gandhi, gradual awakening among untouchables and the upsurge of democracy in the world after world war 1.
The resolution passed by Bombay legislative council on August,3,1923 moved by late Shri S.k Bole was another major event the council recommend that the untouchables should be allowed to use all public places including wells and dharmshalas which were built and maintained out of public funds or administered by govt. bodies. To implement this act by government of Bombay presidency issued directive to the heads of the department asking them to give effect to the resolution. A similar directive was also issued to the chairman of the Bombay improvement trust and municipal commissioner of the Bombay city for giving the effect to the resolution .At the same time Dr. B.R. Ambedkar launched "BAHISHKRIT HITKARNI SABHA" for the upliftment of untouchables. He convened a meeting on march ,9,1924 at Damodar hall, bombay to discuss the need of establishing a central organization for removing innumerable handicaps from which untouchables suffered and placing there grievances before the government .But its activity are only confined to the presidency of bombay. The principal aims of the Sabha are-
➨ to promote the spread of education amongst the untouchables.
➨ to promote the spread of culture amongst the untouchables by by opening of libraries
➨to improve the economic status by starting industrial and agricultural schools
➨ to bring the grievances of the depressed class to the attention of the government.
President of the Sabha was "Sir C.H Seetalved "was an upper caste Gujrati and a brilliant lawyer of his days .Dr Ambedkar was the chairman of the managing committee . Dr Ambedkar had the firm belief that the untouchability should be the concern not only for untouchables but of all the sections of the Indian society .There was a subtle distinction between the approach adopted by dr. br. Ambedkar towards the eradication of untouchability and and that adopted by other organizations.
The Bahishkrit Sabha launched a purposeful program keeping in mind its aims and objectives in order to arouse untouchables and make them conscious of there rights :
➤ The Sabha arranged for the hospital accommodation at Sholapur for High school students who belonged to the family of untouchables in January 1925.All the expenses of the hostel are met by Sabha. the Sholapur municipal committee came to the help of the Sabha and sanctioned a grant of Rs.40
➤ The Sabha also started the institution with the aim of inculcating in them a desire to acquire knowledge .
➤ A reading room and hockey club was also started.
At the same time Dr. Ambedkar was slowly but making his mark s lawyer. In 1926 some brahmins of Pune has filed a suit against 3 non brahmin leaders charging them of defaming the brahmin community . the prosecution was led by late L.B. Bhopatkar an eminent lawyer and defense by Dr Ambedkar. In his arguments Dr Ambedkar defend the client and won the case .Dr Ambedkar had now become famous among the members of depressed class. He gave them free legal advice and fought there cases with vigor , charging them very little or nothing at all. At the same time although the resolution was passed by bombay legislative council which asked the local bodies municipalities nd the bombay corporation to allow the untouchable's the use of all public places but the resolution remained more or less on paper. That's why Shri bole was compelled to move another resolution in Bombay legislative council on August, 5,1926. He recommended the govt. of bombay presidency not to give grant to those municipalities and local bodies which failed to give effect to the earlier resolution.
In January, 1927 a meeting was held at koregaon war memorial near Pune . Dr. Ambedkar addressing the meeting said that hundreds of persons from their community had fought in the British army in world war 1 but the government later on declared the untouchables unfit for the military service. He exhorted the untouchables to agitate against this discriminatory policy in order to compel the government to remove the ban on the untouchables. As military service not only improve the economic status but also improve the educational status of their children as there is compulsory primary education in the military camps for the dependents of army personnel irrespective of caste and creed . In January 1927 the governor of Bombay nominated Dr. B.R Ambedkar as the member of the legislative council.
After becoming the member of the legislative council Dr.Ambedkar had much greater opportunity to put grievances of depressed class before government . He was now first determined to see the Bole resolution first passed .For instance although Mahad municipality had open the Chawdar tank to the untouchables but they couldn't use the tank because of the strong opposition of the upper class Hindus . A conference was held at Mahad in Kolaba district on March 19,1927 to which Dr. Ambedkar was invited. Dr. Ambedkar in his presidential address called upon the untouchables to not only stand up and assert there rights but also to make earnest efforts to improve there lot by educating there children .Conference passed several important resolutions in one resolution it appealed the upper class to help the untouchables in securing there rights , to open avenues of employment . it also appealed the government to make Bole resolution effective by invoking section 144. It was also decided that conference delegates will also visit the Chawdar tank to ensure that untouchables were allowed to draw water . The delegates staged a peaceful march to the tank in the morning of the March,20,1927 and asserted there right to take water from the tank. It was an important event as it was for the first time that they had stood up for there rights in such large number. The procession reached the tank and Dr Ambedkar was first to take water from the tank followed by the entire procession . this was naturally resented by some orthodox Hindus and they spread a rumour that the untouchables were also planning to enter a Hindu temple rumour spread very fast and people were taken by in them. large crowd of people armed with bamboo sticks stormed the pandal at that time majority of the delegates had already left the town .The crowd pounced upon them . Local police inspector went to inform Dr. Ambedkar . Dr B.R Ambedkar hurried to pandal almost 20 delegates were seriously injured . This incident sent a wave of indignation among the untouchables of the Maharashtra . Many of the delegates who were still in pandal are seething in anger at the brutal treatment . Dr Ambedkar pacified them and asked them to act with restraints he told them that peace had to maintained at all costs. Thus, this historical struggle was totally non violent ,disciplined and constitutional .
Dr Ambedkar started his fortnightly Marathi paper Bahishkrit Bharat on April ,13,1927 realizing the need to have a paper form for expressing his views and also to keep depressed class well informed about the happening of land. Every issue of this fortnightly carried an editorial appealing the government to make bole resolution effective and to punish those who opposed its implementation .He also posed many penetrating and thought-provoking questions before his upper caste co- religionists. In a retrograde step the Mahad municipality revoked its earlier resolution of 1924 by which it open the Chawdar tank open to the depressed classes. This annoyed Dr. B.R Ambedkar . At a meeting on sept, 11, 1927 it was decided to offer satyagraha for re-establishing the rights of the untouchables . later on December, 25 and 26, 1927 were fixed as dates for offering satyagraha. An outstanding example of the measures which Dr Ambedkar took s the member of the legislative council was the bill introduced by himself to amend the bombay hereditary offences act 1874. according to this act Mahars in government service were required to work round the clock. If a Mahar in government service absented himself even on the valid grounds of illness, he was under the law required to place the services of family members at the disposal of government during his period of absence . He moved the bill in the council with an impassioned appeal to the govt. based on legal and moral grounds . Bill was finally referred to select committee comprising 23 members most of them are orthodox Hindus, and staunch Muslims who opposed the bill by tooth and nail. In the same year Simon commission arrived India.
The year 1930 was the milestone in the history of India the British government unleashed a wave of repression against the massive movement of civil disobedience and satyagraha launched by mahatma Gandhi on March,12,1930. almost at the same time Dr. B.R Ambedkar started its temple entry movement in Nasik. The satyagraha committee of depressed classes had informed the trustees of the famous kalaram temple the that the satyagraha totally non violent in nature would be started if the trustees didn't allow the untouchables to enter the temple on march,2,1930 the conference opened up and they discussed in a very calm way in which the satyagraha was to be conducted. The satyagrahis formed a row of four and started a procession as soon as they reached they came to the gate of the temple they are barred from entering into the temple then they move towards the Godavari ghat where it was decided to launch a non violent struggle in the front pf the gate of the temple on the morning on March,3,1930. the satyagrahis squatted before the temple entrance singing bhajans this continued for very long time . On April,9,1930 was the day when the statue of shri Rama in the kalaram temple was was to be taken out in the procession in an open chariot. thanks to the wisdom of some enlightened upper caste Hindus compromise was arrived that physically strong men of both the untouchables and upper caste Hindus would jointly pull the chariot . however again some of the orthodox upper caste Hindus broke this reasonable agreement . Before the untouchables could reach some of the orthodox upper caste Hindus physically pulled the chariot away. Not contented with what they had done untouchables were subjected to the harsh treatment . despite this Dr. Ambedkar keep his fellows satyagrahis under check and didn't allow them to retaliate.
Having noticed the countrywide hostile reaction towards the Simon commission , the British government made declaration for convening the round table conference in London .53 Indians were invited representing different shades of public opinion dr. Ambedkar was one of them.
In 1931the govt of bombay announced the police department open for the recruitment of the depressed classes . Dr Ambedkar as the member of the bombay legislative council had fought ceaselessly for the entry of untouchables both in the police and army
Dr Ambedkar his friends and lieutenants founded a new political party called "Independent Labour Party" in August 1936. The party announced comprehensive program which aimed at meeting all the immediate needs and the grievances of the landless poor tenants ,agriculturists and industrial workers . The British provincial elections were to be held in 1937 .Dr Ambedkar started his election campaign explaining the people aims and objectives of his party elections finally took place on February,17,1937. Dr. Ambedkar came out to be victorious.
Dr. Ambedkar has won the election but the majority was held by congress .The first occasion on which Dr. Ambedkar cross swords with shri B.G Kher [congress party leader] was the introduction of a bill proposing a salary of 500/-for a minister in addition to a house and conveyance . In his criticism , he put forth his argument that 4 considerations should be kept in mind while discussing the bill-the prevailing social standards, competence ,democracy, integrity and purity of the administration. At Poona session he introduced bill to abolish "Khoti system" a land tenure system. another memorable clash took place when one of the articles of a new bill aimed at amendment of the local board act in which scheduled classes were given the definition of " Harijans" i.e. people of god . In its criticism Dr Ambedkar said that it is of no use only giving the untouchables a sweet name . Something practical need to be done to ameliorate there condition.
Dr. Ambedkar didn't work only for the upliftment of the untouchables but also for the working class. In Sept,1938, the bombay legislative assembly took up for the consideration the industrial disputes bill. Dr. Ambedkar and shri Jamna das Mehta opposed the bill. Dr. Ambedkar described the bill as capatalistic favoring the industrialists at the cost of workers .However being in majority congress party passed the bill. afterwards a one day strike was declared on 7,November,1938 and call was given to all the mill workers to participate in the strike. the strike was successful although it was marred by a few unpleasant incidents.
In January it was widely rumored that the viceroy and governor general of India was thinking of expanding his executive council and Dr Ambedkar name has been included in the list of new members. A special messenger of the viceroy came to the town requesting dr. Ambedkar to take charge of the Labour portfolio of the executive council. This was criticized by the congress party . Standing Labour committee has been set up and its meeting was held at bombay secretariat on May,7,1943. At this meeting one important proposal for consideration was the establishment of the Joint Labour management committee at least in factories and industrial units .The second question to be taken was the establishment of employment exchanges .The second session was held in September 1943 at which he delivered forceful appeal putting forth the long overdue and long neglected demands of the workers for food ,cloth, shelter, education and basic health facilities. As a result a resolution to establish a machinery to go into the question of equitable wages and earning and for drawing up a policy of special security for Labour was unanimously adopted.in 1944 Dr.. Ambedkar moved a bill proposing paid holidays for industrial workers in factories.
In 1945 elections were to be held again .All the major political parties started their election campaign .Dr Ambedkar's party suffer from dual handicap. It has neither organized electioneering machinery nor funds but despite of these facts . Dr Ambedkar opened his party's campaign on October,4,1945.
On March ,5,1946 the new British govt finally the right of India to become independent a delegation was held by Stanford Cripps on March,24,1946. in this course of his discussions and delegations Dr. Ambedkar placed a memorandum before it in which he proposed some safeguards for the scheduled castes in the new constitution of the country. the mission gave its verdict in the form of state paper which proposed a Federation of India along with the formation of constituent assembly and on interim govt.at the center. The state paper didn't make any mention of the demands of scheduled.
Dr. Ambedkar wanted the people to cultivate the values of freedom and equality among themselves; it is possible only through education. He started Siddhant college on June ,20,1946 under the auspices of peoples education society founded on July ,20,1945. the main aim of peoples education society was the advancement of educational interests of the lower middle class. the selection of teachers was only on the basis of merit . He wanted that teachers and students of the institution should follow "Buddha teachings". the second institution was the Milind college at Aurangabad. its foundation stone was laid by Dr. Rajendra prasad in 1957.
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Dr. Rajendra prasad lying the foundation stone of Milind college |
On August ,29, 1947 constituent assembly announced names of the committee for drafting the constitution of free India. Dr. Ambedkar was the chairman of the committee. Dr Ambedkar was deeply hurt by the partition the country and unprecedented movement of millions of people and inability of the Pakistan government to provide safety to even scheduled class Muslim. he issued a statement strongly denouncing the Pakistan government. Dr Ambedkar is now fully immersed in the task of framing the constitution of India with characteristic single mindedness of purpose despite of his deteorating health. the draft constitution was completed at the end of februrary,1948.The draft constitution underwent three reading in the constituent assembly .On November ,25,1949 Dr. Ambedkar its chief architect are to reply to the debate which followed the third reading. he delivered a 40 minute speech in which he made in an impassioned appeal to the people of independent India to defend their freedom with the last drop of there blood. the draft constitution was finally adopted by the constituent assembly on November 26 1949. the constitution of India originally had 395 articles and 8 schedules. besides drafting Indian constitution he moved Hindu code bill to enshrine gender equality in the laws of marriage and inheritance .He resigned from the cabinet in 1951 when parliament stalled his draft of the Hindu code bill.
''Dr Ambedkar embraced Buddhism on October 1956 at Nagpur"
Dr. Ambedkar passed away in sleep on December,6,1956
Dr. Ambedkar was a highly disciplined person .His indomitable spirit enabled him to acquire some of the highest degrees .Dr. Ambedkar was in fact a person born far ahead of his times.
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